Monthly Archives: August 2017

Books and Their Many Forms

We all have been at that point where a hobby we’re passionate about gets set aside for a time. There are different reasons for this, of course. One is that we burn out and need a break. Another might be life’s obligations taking us away from it. I love to read. Escaping my, at times, petty problems, and delving into a world where I don’t have to think about my own shit is glorious. Buuut… Reading takes time. Time I rarely have anymore.

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Damn. It’s been awhile.

So, clearly I fail at blogging. And I also feel like I’m failing at editing. The third book, which I had hoped to have out about one year after the second (that would have been in January), is kicking my ever loving ass. My fabulous beta readers (you know who you are) have given valuable feedback, and now I’m so torn with what I spend my time on. Not to mention that I don’t even have a cover for Volley of Vows (that’s the title of the third book). Continue reading